Estela Magdalena Simon Esteban and her three-year old daughter, Zaida, at Casa del Migrante in Juarez, Chihuahua. After her husband crossed to the US without documents, a man made constant attempts of sexual assault against Estela and she decided to leave her town, Playa Grande, Guatemala. Now she seeks to apply for political asylum to reunite with her husband in Salisbury, Maryland. Photo by Julian Cardona.
Juana Machenaquenich, 34, at Casa del Migrante. She was forced to leave Guatemala because several men were constantly trying to rape her 16-year-old daughter, Andrea Patricia. With Andrea and her two-year-old daughter Zuly Raquel (pictured) she will try to cross the border to reunite with her husband who lives undocumented near Washington D.C. Photo by Julian Cardona.
A girl plays in a courtyard of Casa del Migrante behind Juana Machenaquenich and her two-year-old daughter Zuly Raquel. Many of the migrants or refugees from Central America are now coming to the United States with their children. Photo by Julian Cardona.